Climate Change

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Absolutely amazing how climate alarmists have hornswaggled the general public with fear of the the apocolypse. Let us assume, for just one monent, they are right about “CLIMATE CHANGE!” What does that mean? The last 25 years have proved conclusively, undeniably, scientificaly measurably, that the planet has NOT warmed. So can’t call it Global Warning can we. No we will call it Climate Change because, in fact, nobody can deny this planet has changed its climate many times.

Geologists have two phases (and phrases) for the climate of this planet. GLACIAL and INTERGLACIAL, You’ll notice they don’t call it a Warm Period and a Not So Warm Period because, predominantly it has been glacial, as in sub-zero.

So let us assume we have to fight this “Climate Change”. What is it we are fighting exactly? The fact the planet is going in to a glacial period and all species will either adapt or perish? Well they have about 25,000 years to adapt to a very slowly freezing planet. Look! Is that the evolution of a woolly mammoth? I dunno, go ask Manny. Will homo sapiens survive? Maybe. They have the technology and resources to live at the south pole (with the help of ships, helicopters, snow cats, Twin Otters, radios, satellites and fossil fuels). So maybe they keep advancing civilization to the point of living through a glacial ice-age. Maybe not and the planet will start all over again with new species and possibly some organism with the capacity for even more intelligence than mankind.

The planet will still exist and rebirth itself as it has done numerous times before until some cosmic event finally terminates the third rock from the Sun. Just ask the dinosaurs.

Meanwhile, back on Earth some are claiming if we give up the technology and resources that gave humanity the highest quality of life ever recorded, allowed us to actually travel into the Solar System, the leisure to sit in a comfortable 70 degree heated/airconditioned, running water, electrified cave where you flush a handle and your own bodily wastes disappear from your life, where humans whiz around the planet 61/2 miles above the oceans at close to the speed of sound and travel 500 miles in less than a day on the ground, where fruit and nuts from California can be consumed the next day by those same scientists at the South Pole, where insulin manufactured in just a few places can save the lives of people all over the world, if we just stop doing this we can “Save The Planet”. For our children. Because, you know, climate change.

It is real. Yes, yes it is. As, or should I say when, the planet warms, caused by the Sun’s cycles, carbon dioxide naturally increases. If it warms enough CO2 can reach 1200 parts per million, four times the current level. When that happens you have the lushest, greenest most prolific planet our solar system has ever seen. Just ask the Carboniferous Period.

All that coal (carbon) used to be on the surface and in the biosphere. Releasing captured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere makes for a greener planet. Isn’t that what eponymous Greenies want?

I’m kinda assuming nobody still believes that humanity is causing Global Warming or Anthropogenic Global Warming, AGW, as that is so yesterday.

So this fight against “Climate Change”, Is the objective Quixotic? ’cause it reminds me of a medieval man jousting with windmills.

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me


Absolutely amazing how climate alarmists have hornswaggled the general public with fear of the the apocolypse. Let us assume, for just one monent, they are right about “CLIMATE CHANGE!” What does that mean? The last 25 years have proved conclusively, undeniably, scientificaly measurably, that the planet has NOT warmed. So can’t call it Global Warning can we. No we will call it Climate Change because, in fact, nobody can deny this planet has changed its climate many times.

Geologists have two phases (and phrases) for the climate of this planet. GLACIAL and INTERGLACIAL, You’ll notice they don’t call it a Warm Period and a Not So Warm Period because, predominantly it has been glacial, as in sub-zero.

So let us assume we have to fight this “Climate Change”. What is it we are fighting exactly? The fact the planet is going in to a glacial period and all species will either adapt or perish? Well they have about 25,000 years to adapt to a very slowly freezing planet. Look! Is that the evolution of a woolly mammoth? I dunno, go ask Manny. Will homo sapiens survive? Maybe. They have the technology and resources to live at the south pole (with the help of ships, helicopters, snow cats, Twin Otters, radios, satellites and fossil fuels). So maybe they keep advancing civilization to the point of living through a glacial ice-age. Maybe not and the planet will start all over again with new species and possibly some organism with the capacity for even more intelligence than mankind.

The planet will still exist and rebirth itself as it has done numerous times before until some cosmic event finally terminates the third rock from the Sun. Just ask the dinosaurs.

Meanwhile, back on Earth some are claiming if we give up the technology and resources that gave humanity the highest quality of life ever recorded, allowed us to actually travel into the Solar System, the leisure to sit in a comfortable 70 degree heated/airconditioned, running water, electrified cave where you flush a handle and your own bodily wastes disappear from your life, where humans whiz around the planet 61/2 miles above the oceans at close to the speed of sound and travel 500 miles in less than a day on the ground, where fruit and nuts from California can be consumed the next day by those same scientists at the South Pole, where insulin manufactured in just a few places can save the lives of people all over the world, if we just stop doing this we can “Save The Planet”. For our children. Because, you know, climate change.

It is real. Yes, yes it is. As, or should I say when, the planet warms, caused by the Sun’s cycles, carbon dioxide naturally increases. If it warms enough CO2 can reach 1200 parts per million, four times the current level. When that happens you have the lushest, greenest most prolific planet our solar system has ever seen. Just ask the Carboniferous Period.

All that coal (carbon) used to be on the surface and in the biosphere. Releasing captured carbon dioxide into the atmosphere makes for a greener planet. Isn’t that what eponymous Greenies want?

I’m kinda assuming nobody still believes that humanity is causing Global Warming or Anthropogenic Global Warming, AGW, as that is so yesterday.

So this fight against “Climate Change”, Is the objective Quixotic? ’cause it reminds me of a medieval man jousting with windmills.